Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Iowa Dental Radiography Rules

Iowa dental assistants can't just perform x-rays without a certificate of qualification.

Dental assistants are dental staff members other than dental hygienists who are able to perform basic dental procedures under the general supervision of a licensed dentist. To perform dental radiographs or x-rays, dental assistants must have a current Iowa Dental Board-issued registration certificate and radiography qualification certificate. Chapter 22 of the Iowa Administrative Code outlines the dental radiography qualification rules.


In order to take radiographs or x-rays, a dental assistant must be at least eighteen years old.


Dental hygienists and dentists do not need a certificate of radiography qualification since their training is regulated under the IDB licensure process. Dental assistant trainees, registered dental assistants and dental assisting program graduates are eligible for and required to have a certificate of radiography qualification if they intend to take dental x-rays.

Dental Radiography Training

To qualify for a certificate of radiography qualification, an Iowa dental assistant must complete an IDB-approved program or on-the-job training as a dental assistant trainee using board-approved curriculum. Dental assistants must complete dental radiography training within two years of applying for the qualification certificate.


Dental assistants must pass either the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) Radiation Health & Safety (RHS) exam or the DANB Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) exam or any other IDB-approved dental radiography exam with a score of at least 75. If a dental assistant receives a failing score twice, she will need to show proof of additional formal dental radiography training before retesting again.

Certificate of Qualification

Dental assistants must submit an application for a certificate of radiography qualification to the Iowa Dental Board. The certificate expires on Aug. 31 of every odd-numbered year. Dental assistants must complete at least two hours of radiography continuing education to renew the certificate.


As of 2010, the certificate of qualification nonrefundable application fee is $40 payable to the Iowa Dental Board.

Tags: radiography qualification, assistants must, certificate radiography, certificate radiography qualification, dental assistant, Dental assistants must, dental radiography