Thursday, October 13, 2011

Create A Public Service Announcement Film

Create a Public Service Announcement Film

Though too many public service announcements are dryly factual, you can create an effective and engaging public service announcement (PSA) with a little planning upfront. Go beyond a "talking head" approach to give your audience something that they can find compelling, such as a story or meaningful images.


1. Brainstorm who your audience is. Because each public service announcement reaches only a segment of the viewing audience, you need to decide who most needs to hear it. Depending on your goals, you may want to target the audience most deeply involved in the issue, those with the least information about the topic or people with the most resources to devote to the cause.

2. Decide what you want your audience to do in response to your PSA. The best public service announcements give the audience a call to action, providing a concrete step they can take to further whatever cause you're supporting.

3. Choose the approach that can best reach your audience. Presenting your PSA as a narrative reaches most audience segments. Beyond that, you need to decide whether you want to appeal to them through logic, authority or emotion and decide which facts they need to hear.

4. Write your script once you have your audience concerns defined. The words are often the most important element of a public service announcement, but your images have to also be compelling. As you write your script, balance the words and images so both convey the same powerful message.

5. Cast your PSA. Though individuals who actually work on the cause that you're supporting are usually the most credible spokespeople, consider how comfortable they are on film. If they're not comfortable, use actors to convey your message.

6. Film your public service announcement using the best equipment and crew possible. Let your spokesperson or voice-over artist rehearse in front of the camera before you start official filming. You'll probably need a few takes to get it right, especially if you include narrative elements.

7. Include contact and resource information in the last frame of your PSA. Include at least a website and also a contact person and phone number if appropriate. The contact information helps your audience get more involved in the issue.

Tags: your audience, public service, public service announcement, service announcement, Announcement Film, Create Public