Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Is Phase 4 Breast Cancer

Phase IV breast cancer is late stage breast cancer. In stage IV, the cancer has generally spread to the lymph nodes, liver, lungs and bones. According to the American Cancer Society, "most breast cancer is detected before stage IV."


Typical symptoms of stage IV breast cancer may include headache, weight loss, neurological pain, bone pain and shortness of breath.

Survival Rate

Typically, stage IV breast cancer has a low five-year survival rate. Stage IV breast cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, has a "20 percent survival rate."


Treatment of stage IV breast cancer may include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy, mastectomy, or a combination of these therapies.


Diagnosis of stage IV breast cancer is normally done using imaging testing and biopsy.

Clinical Trials

Clinical trial research is dependent on patients. It is through research that new treatments are found. Clinic trials for persons with stage IV breast cancer can be found in the reference section of this article.

Tags: stage breast cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer, stage breast, stage breast, American Cancer