Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Recovery Time For Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure in which excess breast fat is removed along with some glandular tissue and skin in order to to reduce the size of the breast. This procedure is usually done for health reasons because overly large breasts can place undue stress on the muscular and skeletal systems. It may also be performed for cosmetic reasons to help bring the breasts into proportion with the rest of the patient's body. Breast reduction is a surgical procedure and will involve some recovery time.

Breast reduction surgery requires up to a year for complete recovery

Post-op Care

Dressings or bandages will need to be applied to protect the surgical incisions from stress and infection. The surgery will likely cause the breasts to swell and there will usually be some pain associated with it. The surgeon may recommend wearing a support bra or elastic bandage to provide support for the breasts while the healing process takes place. A drainage tube may also be inserted.

Day 1

Breast reduction surgery patients are encouraged to get out of bed several times on the day following surgery for a brief time in order to encourage circulation and flexibility. Although there may be some pain associated with this, movement will become easier after a few days. Patients are typically encouraged to sleep on their back in order to alleviate stress on the incisions.

Day 2

Surgical drain tubes will usually be removed on the second day following breast reduction surgery. The dressings and bandages will also be changed at this time. There will likely still be considerable swelling and bruising. The surgeon will probably give instructions regarding the continued use of a support bra until the breasts are healed.

Month 1

Patients will typically have a number of followup visits during the first month following breast reduction surgery. The healing process will be evaluated and the stitches removed in stages. The first set of stitches is usually removed after one week. Additional rounds of removal will continue until all stitches are removed, usually by the end of the third week. Sexual activity may be resumed once the stitches have been removed although care must be taken to treat the breasts gently for at least six weeks after surgery. Other normal activities, including mild exercise, may be resumed after the first month.

Full Recovery

Every patient is different and will have different recovery times. The scars from the surgery will typically begin to fade from red to your normal skin tone after several months. However, the scars from breast reduction surgery are permanent and will never fade completely away. Sensitivity in the nipple and areola usually begins to return to normal after a few weeks, but for some women it takes up to a year and some patients never regain full sensation.

Tags: reduction surgery, Breast reduction, breast reduction, breast reduction surgery, Breast reduction surgery