Thursday, July 11, 2013

Physical Requirements For Female Marine Corps Recruits

The requirements to become a female Marine are largely physical.

Given that the U.S. Marine Corps service often includes physically demanding work, the Marines requires that all new recruits are physically fit. Accordingly, the Marines published physical fitness guidelines for female inductees. These guidelines detail a physical fitness test that recruits must repeat every six months to ensure that they are maintaining the required level of physical fitness as well as weight requirements to join the Marines.

Flexed-Arm Hang

New female recruits must complete a timed flexed-arm hang segment to pass the physical examination. The new recruit must first remove her sweatshirt if she is wearing one. She must then reach the bar either independently or with assistance and grasp it with both hands. Her hands may be in one of two positions---with her palms facing away from her or with her palms facing toward her. She must then bend her arms until they are completely flexed at the elbow and her chin is above the bar without touching it. She must remain in this position completely motionless for at least 15 seconds in order to pass this segment of the exam.


Female Marine Corps recruits have two minutes to complete at least the minimum number of crunches in the abdominal crunches segment of the exam. She must lay on a flat surface with her knees bent and both feet, buttocks as well as her shoulder blades touching the ground. An assistant may help steady the legs.

The minimum number of crunches required depends on age. Those 26 and younger must complete at least 50 crunches. Recruits between 27 and 45 must complete at least 45 crunches, and older female recruits must complete at least 40 crunches.


As part of the physical examination, new female recruits must complete a three-mile run on a measured course. The maximum time allowed depends on age. Those 26 and younger must complete the course in under 31 minutes. Recruits between 27 and 39 must complete the course in under 32 minutes, while those between 40 and 45 must complete the course in less than 33 minutes. Older female recruits have 36 minutes to complete the course.

Weight Requirements

In addition to the physical examination, all new Marine recruits, including women, must meet a body mass index standard. The Marine Corps computes body mass index by dividing weight by height. Accordingly, there is a given range in weight by which each new female recruit must abide, depending on her height. This requirement is so specific, weight range allowances apply to each inch, beginning with 58 inches tall, which has a range of a minimum 91 pounds to a maximum of 120 lbs; and ending with 80 inches tall, with a weight range from 173 to 228 lbs. For assurance in meeting this weight requirement ,as well as passing the physical examination, preliminary training courses are available.

Tags: must complete, complete course, complete least, female recruits, Marine Corps, physical examination, recruits must