Friday, February 5, 2010

Get To Go To A Private Screening Of A Movie

Get to Go to a Private Screening of a Movie

A movie screening is a private invitation that allows an individual to watch a movie that has not yet been released to the public for viewing. Invitations to movie screenings are usually offered free to individuals. One of the easiest ways to receive private invitations to movie screenings is by registering to various movie-screening websites. These websites provide passes to their users, allowing them to attend private movie screenings. Another way to receive private invitations to movie screenings is by registering on the website of various local radio stations; some radio stations send passes to their listeners.


1. Visit the homepage of Film Metro to find a pass to a movie screening in your area. To go to this page, see the resources section on this page.

Film Metro is an online movie community that provides its members with free passes to movies in various states across the U.S. One of the benefits of using Film Metro is that users can request multiple passes for others by simply entering their email addresses; Film Metro sends passes to the emails provided.

2. Select the "Movie Screenings" tab, then select your state from the drop-down menu under the "Search for movie screenings" section. This will bring up a listing of all movie screenings in your area.

3. Choose a movie you would like to see, and apply for a pass to the movie screening by entering your email address above the "Invite a friend" button. Film Metro will immediately email you with a link allowing you to download and print a pass to the movie you selected. (You will need to register for a Film Metro account before downloading your pass.)

4. Visit the movie theater, present your pass and watch the movie. Depending on the theater, you will most likely be thoroughly searched to make sure you are not carrying a recording device.

Tags: Film Metro, movie screenings, movie screening, pass movie, invitations movie screenings, movie screenings, movie screenings registering