Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Late Stage Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer is not the death sentence it once was. It can be cured if it is caught early enough, and new methods of detecting cancer when it's still the size of the head of a pin are being developed every day. But symptoms of breast cancer often don't occur until the late stages, when it has spread to other glands and organs. Some symptoms to look for are a lump, redness and scaly skin on the breast. There may be discharge from the nipple or a change in the shape of the breast, and it can feel swollen, hot and sore. Symptoms in later stages of breast cancer depend on how far it has spread and what glands and organs are affected. Weight loss, tiredness, nausea and fever are common, and pain can be caused by a tumor putting pressure on organs. Symptoms from breast cancer that has spread are often in areas far from the breasts.


Breast cancer that spreads to the bones can cause them to ache and fracture easily. This can restrict movement and make it hard to walk.


Cancer cells can invade the chest, causing pain in that area and difficulty breathing. A persistent cough can develop. Pain in the back and spine can make it difficult to move.


Headaches can develop. Memory loss can occur, as well as changes in the way reality is seen. Vision , hearing and other senses may be affected.


There can be pain, discomfort and itching on the skin. Rashes, sores and lesions can develop. Skin may take on a yellowish tint if jaundice develops. Lumps can develop under the arm.


Severe pain in the sides and back can develop. Loss of kidney function, including incontinence, may occur. Jaundice can develop, and dialysis treatments may be necessary.

Tags: cancer that, glands organs