Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Breast Augmentation Options

Breast augmentation is the process of enlarging a woman's breasts through surgery. Breast augmentation surgery can either increase the volume of a woman's breasts or restore lost breast volume after weight loss or pregnancy.

Surgical Procedures

You will receive anesthesia for your breast enhancement surgery. Your doctor will help you understand your options for anesthesia and choose the best one for you and the type of surgery you are receiving.

During the surgery, the surgeon will make an incision either under the breast, under the nipple or in the underarm area. The incision location and size will depend upon the type of implant or enhancement you are receiving.

Implant Types

Breast implants can be made from silicone or saline. The type of implant you receive will depend on the desired result of the surgery, and your body shape and type. Saline implants can be made in different sizes and shapes for a variety of results. If one should happen to burst or become punctured, your body can naturally absorb the saline without difficulty.

Silicone implants also come in a variety of shapes and sizes. If a silicone implant leaks, there may be complications, so you may be advised to follow up with your physician to check the stability of your implants regularly.


The results of your breast augmentation will be visible immediately after surgery. You will notice over time that any swelling you incurred from surgery will fade, as will your incision scars.

Other Breast Enhancements

If you do not wish to receive breast augmentation through implants, you can choose to have a breast lift instead. This surgery does not add size to your breasts, but it will lift and reshape them into a more desirable position. Women who are satisfied with their breast size but want a higher or firmer bust line may elect for this surgery instead of breast implants or augmentation.

Risks and Benefits

In some cases, you may be at risk for infection after your breast augmentation surgery. Punctured or leaking implants can cause health concerns, and as with any surgery there is a risk of a negative reaction to anesthesia. Breast augmentation surgery is best when it is performed by a trusted, board certified plastic surgeon. In most cases, risks are mild and side effects are rare.

Women who receive breast augmentation surgery find that they have increased confidence and are more satisfied with their appearance. This surgery may not be for everyone, but for women who are dissatisfied with their breast shape or size, breast augmentation can prove successful.

Tags: augmentation surgery, breast augmentation, with their, your breast, Breast augmentation surgery, breast augmentation surgery