Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dental Radiology Schools

Dental radiology, also known as oral and maxillofacial radiology, is a dentistry specialty that uses imaging technology to diagnose diseases and conditions in teeth and in the craniofacial area. The imaging technology within oral and maxillofacial radiology includes computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasounds and dental panoramic radiology. The completion of an oral and maxillofacial radiology program leads to certification in the field.

University of Connecticut

The School of Dental Medicine at the University of Connecticut offers a clinical training program in oral and maxillofacial radiology. This 24-month certificate program combines academic and clinical education with training. The program encourages clinical and laboratory research. The curriculum includes courses in radiation physics, radiation biology, oral pathology, head and neck anatomy and imaging sciences.

University of Connecticut Health Center

263 Farmington Avenue

Farmington, CT 06030



University of California, Los Angeles

The oral and maxillofacial radiology program at UCLA teaches students use ionizing radiation to diagnose oral and facial conditions. The three-year program focuses on radiographic interpretation and radiology clinical rotations. Students must complete eight radiology consultations and have opportunities to become proficient in radiography, radiographic techniques, radiographic anatomy and oral pathology.

University of California, Los Angeles

10833 Le Conte Avenue CHS

Box 951668

Los Angeles, CA 90095



University of Missouri, Kansas City

The University of Missouri, Kansas City offers a 36-month oral and maxillofacial radiology program. In the first year, students can learn general radiology procedures by working in a hospital. The final two years focus specifically on oral and maxillofacial radiology. Students also have an opportunity to complete a master's degree in oral biology. The program teaches students about placement of dental implants and diagnose dental conditions and ailments.

University of Missouri -- Kansas City

650 E. 25th St.

Kansas City, MO 64108



Tags: maxillofacial radiology, oral maxillofacial, oral maxillofacial radiology, Kansas City, maxillofacial radiology program, Missouri Kansas