Friday, March 30, 2012

Fingerprint Technician Training

According to the South African Department of Police website, a fingerprint technician is an integral part of police investigations into crimes. These professionals play an important part in comparing fingerprint evidence and preparing documents for court proceedings.


According to the City of Henderson website, in order to be employed as a fingerprint technician candidates must have completed a minimum amount of education, including an associate's degree. The degree completed must be in a field linked to fingerprinting, such as forensics, fingerprint science or criminal justice.


According to the Michigan Civil Service Commission, the Fingerprint Identification course is offered as a form of training for fingerprint technicians by the Institute of Applied Science. Similar courses are also offered by state police departments throughout the country.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) offers a fingerprint technician training course, according to the City of Henderson website. The Tenprint Examiner certification is offered through the FBI and the International Association of Identification.

Tags: City Henderson, City Henderson website, fingerprint technician, Henderson website