Friday, May 22, 2009

Breast Diseases

Breast Diseases

A woman's breasts will undergo many changes during her lifetime due to pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, and diet. In addition to breast cancers, there are benign diseases that present symptoms women should recognize and report to their doctors. (See References.)

Fibrocystic Changes

Changes in the fibrous tissue of the breast such as lumps and cysts (fluid filled sacs) are common and may cause mild pain and discomfort. They should be monitored by your doctor but are non-cancerous changes. (See References.)


An overgrowth of cells in the breast ducts or lobules (where milk is made) is diagnosed as hyperplasia. This condition may result in an increased chance of breast cancer development in the future. (See References.)

Intraductal Papillomas

Tumors (benign masses) found in the breast ducts are gland and fibrous tissue that may cause abnormal nipple discharge. (See References.)


In addition to careful monitoring of size and shape via imaging tests, breast lumps and tumors can be biopsied by your physician if they are large enough. Pain medicines will relieve discomfort but surgical removal may be necessary.


Breast changes frequently correspond to hormonal changes and medication usage. To increase your chance of being breast disease free practice good lifestyle habits: avoid tobacco, too much sun, eat healthy and exercise. (See References.)

Tags: Breast Diseases, breast ducts, fibrous tissue