Monday, May 11, 2009

Scholarships For Mississippi Seniors

Students prepare to graduate.

Since 2000, Mississippi has consistently ranked low when it comes to education and the percentage of high school graduates enrolling in college. To encourage college entry and provide financial assistance, state agencies, companies, organizations, colleges and clubs offer scholarships. Some awards criteria are academics, financial need, extracurricular activities, essays, leadership and community involvement.

American Nuclear

Two $1,000 scholarships are available for graduating seniors from the Mississippi Section of the American Nuclear Society. Studies must include science, math and/or technical classes with a desire to work in nuclear science. Academics, job history, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation by teachers and/or counselors, and a 500-word essay on career and academic plans are factors that determine awards. The society sends money to the accredited college the student has enrolled in. Applications are available online and must be mailed to the society.

The Mississippi Section ANS Scholarship

c/o Tracey A. Stubbs

P.O. Box 31955

Jackson, MS 39286


Municipal League

Three $2,000 scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors. Given by the Municipal League, the three scholarships are awarded based on different criteria. One award is open to any student. One is awarded to a child or grandchild of a Mississippi Municipal official or city employee. One is awarded to a child or grandchild of an elected official or employee who is disabled or on workers' compensation. Applicants should plan to attend a Mississippi college and write an essay on "Why I Should Consider a Career in Municipal Government." School and activity sheets should accompany the application and essay. Obtain applications online and submit them by mail.

The Municipal League

600 E. Amite St., Suite 104

Jackson, MS 39201


Council of Cooperatives

Seven thousand dollars is available through the Mississippi Council of Cooperatives. Four $1,000 scholarships are available to students going to four-year colleges and universities. Six $500 scholarships are available to students going to junior or community colleges. Qualifications include planning to attend a Mississippi state educational facility, financial need, extracurricular activities and academic achievement. Scholarships are given to children of patrons or employees of a cooperative organization. Applications can be completed online or printed and mailed. Qualifying agencies are listed on the website.

The Mississippi Council of Cooperatives

P.O. Box 744

Brookhaven, MS 39602


Tags: Council Cooperatives, extracurricular activities, Municipal League, scholarships available, American Nuclear, attend Mississippi