Thursday, June 4, 2009

Breast Reduction For Men

Overdeveloped breasts (gynecomastia) in men are more common than many realize. According to, 15 percent of adult men are affected by this condition to some extent. There are several treatment options available, depending on the cause and extent of the condition.


Gynecomastia can develop because of genetics, disease, certain medications or drug use. Excess weight can also cause enlarged breasts in men, a condition called pseudogynecomastia.

Nonsurgical Treatment

Depending on the cause, enlarged male breasts can be reduced through weight loss, or cessation of medication, recreational drugs or steroids causing the condition.


Though the breast is traditionally a tricky area for liposuction, ultrasonic and advanced tumescent liposuction techniques allow for successful gynecomastia treatment in many cases with minimal scarring.


In some cases, skin and breast tissue might need to be surgically removed, and the nipple repositioned to achieve the results you want. In these instances, scarring will occur along with a firmer, more masculine breast contour.


You will need to wear a compression garment for one to two weeks to control swelling. You should also protect any scars from sun exposure for at least six months.

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