Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pitch A Column To A Women'S Magazine

If you've always wanted to be a writer, but didn't know where to begin, writing a column for a women's magazine is a great place to start. Writing a column can be a lucrative and enjoyable way to earn a living, and could even lead to a book deal! Many published authors got their start in just this way.


1. Study women's magazines to determine which one would be the best fit for your column. Many writers get rejected because they submit their material to magazines with the wrong audience. Pitch to smaller publications first, and then work your way up to the bigger magazines.

2. Develop a tough skin and learn to deal with rejection. It can take many months of frustration and piles of rejection letters before a women's magazine agrees to publish your column.

3. Write your query letter carefully and make sure it stands out. Sell your idea by pointing out what makes your column unique and why it will appeal to that particular magazine's readers.

4. Determine who you should send your pitch to. Look at the publisher's information page in the front of the magazine and find the appropriate editor.

5. Send your query email as plain text in the body of your email with no attachments, as most editors will not open attachments from people who they don't know. Make sure your email subject line is clear and contains some reference to the subject of your pitch.

Tags: your column, women magazine, your email, your pitch, your query