Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Start An Urgent Care Clinic

Start an Urgent Care Clinic

Opening an urgent care clinic requires much more than a "build it and they will come" mindset to be successful. You want to open a clinic in a community where it will be significantly utilized by a diverse representation of the local population. Seniors, college students, people lacking insurance and others will seek out your clinic if it is marketed effectively and offers a trained and personable staff. Here are several helpful tips to help you launch your urgent care clinic successfully.


Location and start-up capital are key

1. Consider start-up costs, and develop a plan to fund your urgent care clinic . Capital is needed for the leasing of space, staff salaries, taxes, office equipment, marketing and other expenses. If you want your clinic to have a web presence, factor in the cost of website creation, maintenance and hosting. If you do not have the personal resources to fund your clinic, you can consider loans from family or friends, bank loans or funding from other investors, such as venture capitalists.

2. Write a business plan. A business plan is necessary to outline needed capital, staffing requirements, the location of need for a clinic and your marketing plan. Books and online resources can offer suggestions on do this if you are uncertain where to begin. Your business plan is a strategic plan for the success of your urgent care clinic.

3. Determine the location where an urgent care clinic would be most successful. Look outside your own town; surrounding communities may benefit more as the home of your urgent care clinic. Consider the population of the towns in your area and research which communities do not currently have such medical facilities. Avoid opening a clinic in a community that already boasts one or more.

4. Staff your urgent care clinic carefully. Open with minimal staff and add as your clinic expands. You may consider employing family members or friends initially for administrative functions such as receptionist and billing, unless you know of people who are medical professionals. You may consider hiring medical, nursing and medical technology students as well, if they are supervised by professionals.

5. Market your urgent care clinic. Print brochures, fliers and posters about your clinic. List the hours you are open, the services currently available and basic list of insurers accepted. Advertise in your local daily or weekly publications. Send information about your clinic to schools, senior centers, housing complexes, colleges and recreation centers, to name a few. Display information in bus stations, malls, libraries, gyms and any other places potential patients may congregate.

Tags: urgent care, your urgent care, urgent care clinic, your clinic, your urgent, care clinic