Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Alternative Treatment For Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare form of breast cancer that accounts for about 1 to 3 percent of all breast cancers diagnosed in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society.


In Germany, a pharmaceutical agent called carnivora, which is derived from the Venus flytrap plant, has been used for decades to successfully treat many types of cancer.


Carnivora was developed by Helmut Keller, M.D., who used it to treat more than 2,000 patients in his clinic, including at least one case of inflammatory breast cancer.

Expert Insight

According to alternative cancer therapy pioneer Dr. Hans Nieper, carnivora contains at least six different chemicals that inactivate the information released by unstable or erratic genes, especially oncogenes.


Carnivora has been found to slow the growth of tumor tissue, stimulate T-cells and increase the activity of macrophages, the white blood cells that ingest and destroy invaders in the body.


Other alternative treatments that have reportedly had positive results against inflammatory breast cancer include essiac tea and DMSO therapy, both of which are known to slow the growth of cancers.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer, slow growth