Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ultrasound Schools In Miami

In Miami, there is a good selection of schools located all over the city that offer accredited ultrasound technician programs.

With Florida's growing population, ultrasound technicians are becoming high in demand. In Miami, there is a good selection of schools located all over the city that offer accredited ultrasound technician programs. Ultrasound technicians may obtain employment in hospitals, clinics, radiology facilities, and many other types of medical facilities. To be accepted into these programs, you will need to have a high school diploma or equivalent, be at least 18 years old, and complete an application for enrollment.

Professional Training Center

Professional Training Center is a private college located in southwest Miami. PTC's Diagnostic Medical Sonography programs prepare students for a career in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Echocardiography, and Vascular ultrasound. At PTC, you have a choice to enroll in either the certificate program or the associate's degree program. Both of the program's curriculum is divided into classroom lectures, lab participation, and experience in a clinical setting and are accredited from the proper agencies. The certificate program is a shorter program and students will gain knowledge in areas such as human anatomy, physiology, pathological processes and proper use of ultrasound physics to obtain quality diagnostic images. The associate's degree program teaches most of the same concepts, but also incorporates subjects such as communication, humanities, social sciences and other general education classes. The program also teaches abdominal sonography, obstetrics, gynecology and pediatric applications. According to the school, the associate's degree program allows students enrolled in the program to have diversified skills and seek further education within the health care field.

Professional Training Center

13926 S.W. 47th St.

Miami, FL 33175-4404



Dade Medical College

Dade Medical College is a private college located near downtown Miami that offers a diploma and associate's degree program in diagnostic medical ultrasound. DMC's ultrasound programs will train you on perform abdominal and obstetrical ultrasound examinations and identify organs and systems of the abdominal and pelvic cavity along with the female reproductive system. Students will also learn proper imaging technique and protocol. Graduating from either program will make you eligible to take the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers examination. Both programs are accredited and are similar in length; however, the associate's degree program is a bit longer because the curriculum is more diversified and general education courses are required.

Dade Medical College

3721-1 N.W. 7th St.

Miami, FL 33126



Miami Dade College

Miami Dade College is located in north Miami and offers an associate's degree program in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. This program is a two-year program that requires 66 credits to earn an Associate in Applied Science degree. The program provides training that will teach you the necessary technical competencies to function effectively as a Diagnostic Medical Sonography technician. Students are required to take general education courses while in the program and the school recommends that students complete the general education courses before they enroll in the program to reduce the course workload in each semester. This school also recommends that students work (at their job) no more than 20 hours a week while enrolled in this program due to the demading workload of the program.

Miami Dade College

11011 S.W. 104th St.

Miami, FL 33176



Tags: degree program, associate degree, associate degree program, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, general education, Medical Sonography, Dade College