Monday, March 29, 2010

Highpaying Scientific Careers

Many people have an image of science careers as being underpaid lab technicians or faculty members, but there are several high-paying scientific careers providing six-figure salaries. Most, but not all, of these jobs require a Ph.D. and several years of experience, and most involve upper-level positions in research and development.


Geophysicists and geologists for the oil industry or mining companies explore and perform seismic analysis. They usually relocate often and live in countries outside of the United States.

University Research

High-level researchers in upscale universities like Harvard, Yale and Stanford earn great pay in nearly any science field, including the social sciences. Even those in state universities can have high-paying careers as full professors, especially those in charge of divisions or departments.

Radiation Physics

Hospital radiation physicists also are highly paid. These physicists perform specialized work in physical measurements associated with radiation therapy.


Some chemical and nuclear engineers also make big annual incomes.

Veterinary Research

Research veterinary work at large universities is another high-paying scientific career possibility.

Tags: high-paying scientific