Monday, March 22, 2010

Topics For Writing An Argumentative Essay

Newspapers cover controversial issues.

An argumentative essay presents an argument on a conflicting or controversial issue. Conflicting issues support perspectives that are at odds with each other. Normally, argumentative essays are five paragraphs long and consist of an introduction, body and conclusion, with the argument presented in the introduction.

Current Issues in the News

The news is a fruitful place for argumentative essay topics. Check local, national and international newspapers, magazines and journals for current issues in society. In addition to covering current events, newspapers also include editorial and opinion sections where staff and readers express their opinions on issues. Watch television news broadcasts for breaking news stories or recurring or hot topics. Read Internet news sources for the most up-to-date news information.

Controversial Topics

Controversial issues are suitable argumentative essay topics because they offer strongly opposing viewpoints and make for an interesting read. Because these kinds of topics divide people so strongly, you will likely know what side you wish to argue almost immediately. Controversial topics include global warming, abortion, gay marriage, legalization of prostitution, gun registration, the death penalty, creationism and more.

Personal Topics

Many topics that are suitable for an argumentative essay do not require any research. Topics that are personal to you are appropriate if you do not have a lot of knowledge of social issues or do not have time to do research. Such topics include sports, hobbies, school and family. You could argue the disadvantages of school uniforms, why your school needs more sports teams or why parents should extend or tighten curfews.

Researching Your Essay

If you do choose a social issue, researching your topic will lend credibility to your argument. Generally anything published by an educational institution, the government or a reputable news source is considered a legitimate source. Check newspapers, magazines, journals and the Internet. Check statistics websites for the facts on marriages, divorces, births etc. Interview a person invested in the issue you are discussing, such as a local politician or a pro-life clinic representative. If this is for a school assignment, check with your teacher properly cite your research.

Tags: argumentative essay, argumentative essay topics, essay topics, magazines journals, newspapers magazines, newspapers magazines journals, research Topics