Thursday, March 18, 2010

Care For Black Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a semi-precious gemstone that comes in many colors, including black. Legends about black tourmaline say it can cleanse and protect from negative spiritual and emotional energy. You will find this gemstone available as jewelry or as a loose stone. No matter whether the tourmaline is in a jewelry setting or loose, it requires care to keep the color from fading, to keep it clean and to prevent scratches or fractures. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Clean black tourmaline with a soft cloth and mild soap. Use hand soap or a dishwashing soap. Brush away heavy soil with a damp toothbrush.

2. Protect the color and prevent cracks by keeping the stone away from prolonged heat or sudden temperature changes. This means not leaving it on a windowsill or other areas beneath the hot sun's rays, and not cleaning it with steam.

3. Store black tourmaline away from harder gemstones, such as diamonds, rubies, topaz and sapphire. Tourmaline hardness is between 7 and 7.5 on the Mohs scale -- anything harder than that can scratch it.

4. Remove black tourmaline jewelry before cleaning your house. This is to avoid exposing this gem to household chemicals. Except for mild soaps, household cleaners contain potentially damaging chemicals.

Tags: black tourmaline, away from, tourmaline jewelry