Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Male Breast Cancer Symptoms

While most people believe that breast cancer is a disease that only affects women, there is the potential that a man can develop this form of cancer. Cases of men who have breast cancer are far less than those in women, but it is something that a man should still be aware of, especially when he gets to a certain age. To ensure that he is healthy, a man can perform the same type of monitoring of his chest tissue as well as the surrounding region that a woman would perform, and keep an eye out for the common symptoms of this disease.


Much like a symptom of female breast cancer, a man would more than likely feel some sort of lump, probably around the size of a small pea, in or around his chest tissue and underarm.


Another common symptom of breast cancer in a man is any sort of discoloration to the nipple or area around the nipple. It would most often appear as a reddening of the skin.


The meaning of this particular symptom is in relationship to the contour of the chest. In some cases of breast cancer in a man, he would see an irregularity or lack of uniformity, like a dimple or indentation, in the form or shape of his chest. This can be a fairly small indentation, so care should be used while checking the chest tissue.


Some men may notice the presence of a discharge from his nipple. It will usually be a clear-to-milky substance that may have some streaking of blood.


Breast cancer in a male may also prompt the tissue of the chest, namely that of the affected area, to become tender to the touch. Of course, this tenderness would not be related to any sort of exercise or weight training.


Some men who are suffering from breast cancer may witness a change in the appearance of their nipple, in that it will actually invert.


Sometimes, the area of the chest may begin to thicken along the affected area, and would be inconsistent with the feel of the rest of the chest tissue.

Tags: breast cancer, chest tissue, affected area, breast cancer, breast cancer would, cancer would