Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fundraising Ideas For Breast Cancer Walk

Fund-raising ideas for breast cancer walk participants can be clever and flexible.

Fund-raising ideas for breast cancer walk participants can be executed using local resources and talent. Identify opportunities to raise money using all aspects of your position in the main event. Develop corporate partnerships that can help reduce the labor necessary to meet large fund-raising goals.

Celebrity Endorsements

Invite a local celebrity to provide autographed photos or related gifts that can be given as rewards during your fund-raising efforts. Host a pink party where men and women can socialize and donate money to your breast cancer walk. Ask your celebrity sponsor to attend the fund-raising party and announce all rewards that will be available to guests responsible for the largest donations. Celebrity endorsements can be achieved without direct Hollywood connections. Contact local radio personalities, television reporters, athletes, fashion models or related professionals to make your fund-raising initiative a success.

Milestone Incentives

Ask a local business owner to match the amount of money you raise for the breast cancer walk. The business owner would be required to double your donation only if you complete a specific set of miles during the breast cancer walk. Offer to document your journey with photos for every mile that you complete if necessary. You can also partner with several business owners who will sponsor miles by making cash donations toward your fund-raising goal. Milestone incentives allow you to capitalize on your footsteps.

T-Shirt Placements

Sell tribute and logo placements on the T-shirt that you will wear during the walk. You can charge a flat rate for each placement, various fees for different sections of your T-shirt, $1 per word or a combination of these fund-raising methods. Allow individual supporters to write their tribute messages using permanent markers. Attach logos for local businesses that donate money to the breast cancer walk on your T-shirt using fabric glue. Offer to display photos of women affected by breast cancer on your shirt as an additional fund-raising initiative. T-shirt placements turn you into a walking billboard to help find a cure for this disease.

Tags: breast cancer, cancer walk, breast cancer walk, your fund-raising, breast cancer walk