Thursday, March 12, 2009

What Cures Bilateral Calf Pain

Bilateral calf pain is a condition in which you experience pain in both legs below the knees. This condition is symptomatic of another underlying condition, such as arthritis, shin splints, influenza or statin myopathy. The underlying condition that is the cause of your calf pain will determine the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. In some cases, such as shin splints, you may be able to cure the condition, but in others, such as arthritis, you may only be able to manage the pain.

Home Care

Rest your legs from strenuous activity if you are experiencing bilateral calf pain. Overexertion can cause swelling in the calves and aggravate your condition, leading to more pain and swelling. You should take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications to reduce any swelling and elevate your legs when resting to promote circulation back up to your heart. Ice packs will also help alleviate the pain. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water and eating foods rich in potassium to prevent cramping and to help the muscles heal. If your bilateral calf pain is the result of a temporary condition, you should feel better within a few days. If you must remain active, alter your exercise routine to low-impact activities such as swimming or cycling.

When to See a Doctor

You should see your doctor if your bilateral calf pain continues for more than a week, swelling does not subside or you are getting increased pain in the legs during or after walking. It is important to monitor any varicose veins as the location of pain. In addition, if you are showing any signs of infection or flu-like symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.


To cure bilateral calf pain, wear shoes that fit properly and provide adequate support. You should consider arch supports that fit your specific foot type to reduce the strain traveling up the calf. The care described in Section 1 will be used in longer-term conditions such as shin splints. It will also be used for pain management and symptom control for conditions such as arthritis. Compression sleeves can be used to prevent swelling and help promote circulation. If you have an infection, it is important to take your antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor to treat the infection.

Tags: bilateral calf, calf pain, bilateral calf pain, shin splints, such arthritis