Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Treat Fibrocystic Breast With Natural Medicine

Treat Fibrocystic Breast With Natural Medicine

Fibrocystic breast disease is a common non-threatening condition in which the breasts become lumpy and sensitive. While fibrocystic breast is a benign condition, it comes with painful and uncomfortable symptoms. If you suffer from fibrocystic breast disease, you have probably heard your doctor say that there is not much that can be done, but there are a number of natural medicines that can help you to cope with your condition. Read on to learn more about treat fibrocystic breast with natural medicine.


1. Take daily supplements of evening primrose oil, a natural medicine that has proven to help alleviate the painful symptoms of fibrocystic breast. It is recommended that you take 3 grams of evening primrose oil daily.

2. Improve your diet, as a low-fat, high-fiber diet is nature's best medicine for fibrocystic breast. Diet has proven to be one of the greatest factors in this condition, as women with higher fat diets tend to have more estrogen in their bodies, promoting the onset and painful symptoms of fibrocystic breast. It is recommended that you replace meats and dairy products with fish, non-fat dairy products and soy products.

3. Increase the amount of Vitamin E in your body by taking Vitamin E supplements. Studies show that women who take between 400 and 600 IU of Vitamin E daily see a significant reduction in painful symptoms after three months.

4. Decrease breast tenderness, particularly around your period with Vitex (chasteberry), a natural medicine used to treat many conditions specific to women. Add 40 drops of vitex to a glass of water and drink every morning.

5. Apply a hot castor oil compress to tender breasts to help relieve the symptoms of fibrocystic breast. Soak a clean cloth in cold-pressed castol oil and place the towel over your breasts. Cover the towel with a piece of plastic wrap and set a warm heating pad on top. Allow the compress to work for at least 30 minutes, and repeat as often as necessary to relieve your symptoms.

Tags: fibrocystic breast, painful symptoms, symptoms fibrocystic, symptoms fibrocystic breast, breast disease, breast recommended