Monday, March 2, 2009

Promote Cancer Awareness

Wear a bracelet to raise awareness about cancer.

Cancer affects many people around the world and is one of the leading causes of death. According to the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), more than 1 million people get cancer each year and 77 percent of all cancers are diagnosed in people 55 and older. Learning promote cancer awareness is a must if you want to help save lives and honor those already battling cancer.


1. Talk about cancer with your friends, family and community members on a regular basis and urge them to get screened for cancer often.

2. Create informational fliers and posters about cancer and distribute them throughout your community. Make the fliers and posters as informative as possible and put an emphasis on the many signs and symptoms associated with the different types of cancer.

3. Wear cancer awareness bracelets. According to the NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, LiveStrong bracelets and similar bracelets are not only fashion accessories but a driving force to raise support and awareness about cancer. You can purchase cancer awareness bracelets online from LiveStrong or from the American Cancer Society.

4. Participate in as many cancer awareness walks, runs and bake sales as possible. You can start your own cancer awareness event or participate in a local cancer awareness event.

5. Use social media to raise awareness about cancer. Create an account on a social media website, such as Facebook and Twitter, and raise awareness about cancer by sharing relevant facts about the disease and by posting as many links to cancer awareness sites and charities as possible. You can open a Facebook or Twitter account free online.

Tags: about cancer, awareness about, awareness about cancer, cancer awareness, cancer awareness, raise awareness, raise awareness about