Friday, March 13, 2009

What Are The Causes Of Tender Breasts

Tender breasts are common and can be caused by a wide variety of conditions. Both men and women can experience breast tenderness, although the reasons for the pain can be different. In many instances, tender breasts are symptoms of pregnancy, puberty and other normal conditions that are not reason for alarm. However, continued breast tenderness is a reason to seek medical attention, as it may be an early sign of a cyst or tumor.


Many girls experience breast tenderness as a normal part of growing up. According to TeensHealth, an educational site from the Nemours Foundation, this type of tenderness can be due to changing hormone levels and the body adjusting to becoming an adult. As estrogen levels increase during puberty, breasts can become tender to the touch. Boys can experience periodic breast tenderness as well. Although boys do not experience the same estrogen surge as girls do, they do experience hormone changes that can trigger breast discomfort.


According to DeKalb Surgical, another reason for breast tenderness can be regular changes that occur as hormone levels fluctuate during a woman's menstrual cycle. As levels of estrogen and progesterone increase and decrease during the month, breasts may become swollen and tender. This may be experienced in one or both breasts.


During pregnancy, breasts may increase in size. DeKalb Surgical indicates that pregnant women frequently feel breast tenderness becuase of hormonal changes and as the milk ducts begin to expand and fill in preparation for the birth of a child. For many women, swollen, tender breasts may be their first sign of pregnancy.


On occasion, breast tenderness can be an indication of the presence of a cyst. DeKalb Surgical indicates that breast cysts are fairly common, particularly as women grow older. Often, these small growths are benign and can be removed with minor surgery if pain persists. Cysts and growths are considered benign if they are not growing in size and have not invaded adjacent tissue.


In rare cases, according to DeKalb Surgical, breast tenderness may be an indication of cancer. Women should be particularly aware of the presence of any lumps or change in the shape or size of their breasts. Additionally, any changes to nipple size or shape should also be noted and examined by a doctor. Monthly breast self-exams are recommended for all females past the age of puberty.

Tags: breast tenderness, DeKalb Surgical, breast tenderness indication, breasts become, changes that