Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Refirm Your Breasts

Re-firm your breast by building the muscles in your chest.

Breasts can go from saggy to perky simply by strengthening the muscles that support them. Breast are made up of adipose tissue, also known as fatty tissue. The amount of fatty tissue a woman has is what determines the size and shape of her breast. However, the pectoral muscles that lay beneath the breast are what provide lift and tone. The stronger the pectoral muscles are, the more support they provide for the breast. The more support the breasts have, the firmer they are and the higher they sit on the chest. Although you can't change the size and shape of your breast, you can control the firmness and appearance by exercising the muscles that support them.


1. Stretch to warm up your muscles and prepare them for a workout. Raise your right arm over your head and reach upward and to the left, until you feel the muscles in your arms, chest and back extend. Continue to reach as far as you can and hold the position for a count of 10. Switch arms and stretch to the other side in the same manner. Repeat two times on each side.

2. Perform exercises that target the pectoral muscles. Body weight exercises, such as push-ups, are effective for strengthening and building the muscles in the chest. These exercises can be performed in the comfort of your home in as little as 10 minutes. Do these exercises twice a week for maximum benefit and to give your muscles time to recover between each workout.

3. Work the muscles in your chest with pull-ups. Pull-ups are challenging and effective at strengthening and toning. Fitness experts rank the pull-up as one of the top five most effective chest building workouts. With effort and persistence, the pull-up will build and add tone to the muscles in your chest. Strong chest muscles lift the breast and give them a firm and perky appearance.

4. Build the muscles in your chest using weight for resistance. The chest fly and chest press require the use of two barbells and mainly targets the outer portion of the chest. Perform the chest fly by gripping the weights and lying on a bench with palms facing inward. Lower the weights to the side, keeping the elbows slightly bent. Bring arms down to shoulder level and lift the weights over your chest until they are parallel. Perform the chest press by lying on a bench and holding the weights over your chest. Press the weight straight up and then lower back down.

Tags: your chest, muscles your, muscles your chest, muscles that, over your