Friday, April 1, 2011

Treat Menopause Naturally Without Estrogen Drugs

Treat menopause naturally without esTrogen drugs

Menopause is a time of change for the body. During this time, the levels of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone gradually decrease and eventually cease production all together. With this cessation of female hormones, the female is no longer able to conceive children. But, this is not the only effect. Estrogen helps to regulate body temperature and bone production. Treating menopause without estrogen replacement therapy can be achieved naturally without risk of prescription drug side effects. Read on to learn treat menopause naturally without estrogen drugs.


1. Talk to your doctor. When going through menopause, a woman needs to talk with a gynecologist about the overall effects on the body and mental status. A gynecologist will be able to guide a woman in the right direction for their personalized treatment.

2. Treat the body. After menopause, the female body will need to begin a base of good vitamins and minerals more than ever. There are many multivitamins for women over the age of 50 that are geared toward post menopause supplement needs.

3. Treat the hot flashes. Hot flashes are one the number one complaint with women who are post menopausal. Treating hot flashes naturally can be achieved with the use of Black Cohosh. This supplement, though not regulated by the FDA, has been known to effectively lessen the effects of night sweats and hot flashes.

4. Treat the depression. Women are often surprised to find themselves feeling a bit blue after menopause. This is a normal reaction. A natural supplement for depression and feelings of being down is St. John's Wort. If you choose to take St. John's Wort make sure to tell your primary care physician and all other doctors you see for care. St. John's Wort has been known to affect certain prescription medications, as well as the absorption of general anesthesia.

5. Treat the skin. Dry skin that worsens after menopause can be treated with a cream. Using cream as opposed to a lotion, which is thinner, will help to keep the moisture in the skin longer and thus treat the dry skin more effectively.

Tags: John Wort, been known, menopause naturally, naturally without, without estrogen