Thursday, October 3, 2013

Scars Left From Silicone Implants In Breasts

Silicone implants can harden and cause scarring.

According to the Mayo Clinic, breast augmentation surgery has become one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures in the United States. Many who undergo breast augmentation do so to improve the appearance of their breasts, while some undergo the operation for reconstructive purposes. As with most surgical procedures, breast augmentation surgery includes post-surgical complications such as scarring. Does this Spark an idea?

Features of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast implant surgery or augmentation mammoplasty is a surgery that is used to increase and change the size and shape of a patient's breasts. During the procedure, an incision is created in the armpit, the bottom crease of the breast or around the areola. The implant is inserted through the incision and placed underneath or on top of the chest muscles. Upon successful placement of the implants, the incisions are stitched with sutures.

Silicone versus Saline Implants

Although silicone implants feel and resemble natural breast tissue, as compared to saline implants, a ruptured silicone implant can leak slowly and go unnoticed by patients. Doc Shop states that ruptured silicone implants only can be detected through regular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). While saline implants also can rupture, the rapid deflation of the implant becomes noticeable in the appearance of the breasts. Upon rupture, the saline solution contained within the implants becomes absorbed by the body.

Types of Scars

Post-operative scars usually develop around the incision areas where the implants were inserted during surgery.Since the scars are hidden in inconspicuous locations such as the folds of the breasts or arm pits, they are hard to detect. According to Web MD, the post-operative scars often fade within six months.

A severe case of post-operative scarring is capsular contracture, a condition created by the formation of scar tissue around the implant. The scar tissue causes the implant to harden and the breast tissue surrounding the implant to solidify, affecting the shape and feel of the breast. A ruptured silicone implant also can cause capsular contracture. A second surgery may be required to remove the scar tissue surrounding the implant or to replace a squeezed implant that may have ruptured as a result of capsular contracture.


Other risks from breast augmentation surgery includes the loss of sensation in the breasts and nipples caused by nerve damage, implant leakage and deflation or rupture of the implants. Less common side effects include post-operative infections and hematomas, blood collecting underneath the breast tissue.

According to Web MD, breast implants also can conceal cancerous breast tissue and lesions during mammograms, which can provide inaccurate mammogram readings.


The results of breast augmentation surgery do not last indefinitely.The appearance of the breasts still can change over time after physical changes such as pregnancies, weight fluctuations or the effects of aging and gravity. A second surgery may be required should the implants deflate, rupture or leak. Breast augmentation surgery along with additional surgery that is used to treat any complications is usually uncovered by medical insurance companies unless it is done as a breast reconstruction procedure after breast cancer surgery.

Tags: augmentation surgery, breast augmentation, breast tissue, breast augmentation surgery, capsular contracture, ruptured silicone, scar tissue