Monday, October 28, 2013

Sell Digital Signage

Updating digital signage is easy for the publisher, as it usually requires only a new DVD.

Digital signage refers to video or dynamic image signs. This can be a flat screen TV in a bar that loops sponsored ads, a projected image of ads on the side of a building or a large screen the size of a billboard in a public space. Digital signage offers greater depth for advertisers, as they can show full ads, sometimes with sound. The ads are, in turn, more engaging that the static images of traditional signage.


1. Determine what form or forms of digital signage will be sold. Is equipment being sold to businesses and publishers? Is the ad space being sold to advertisers? If equipment is being sold, what equipment? Where is the equipment best suited to be placed? Are they small washroom digital signs? Are they big billboards? Is the content management system being sold to update the ads? Once this has been determined, it will be easier to identify a target market.

2. Identify a target market. Depending on what is being sold, different markets should be targeted. Bars, restaurants and lounges are ideal for washroom signage and behind-the-bar signage. Property owners who currently have traditional billboards are good candidates for digital signage. If the digital signage is already in place and ad space is being sold, then consider where the equipment is located and approach complimentary businesses. For example, if digital signage is in a bar, a natural partnership would be with a beer company.

3. Develop sales and marketing material. Prepare an easy-to-read package for both publishers (bars, venues) and advertisers. Outline exactly how the process works. The simpler the process is to understand, the stronger the selling proposition. Develop a pricing model. Some publishers may prefer to buy the digital signage equipment outright and then attract their own advertisers. Others may want to engage in a partnership and have the digital signage company find the advertisers. Both scenarios demand different pricing models.

4. Approach prospective clients. Most clients will be businesses. As a result, it will be easy to go to the business in person and speak with a company representative. Come prepared with marketing material and a sales pitch. Look professional and know the product well. Approach media buyers. These are large ad agencies who buy ad space for different companies. Form an alliance with a media buyer and they will work to keep fresh content on digital signage.

Tags: being sold, digital signage, digital signage, equipment being, equipment being sold, marketing material, space being