Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Can A Pregnancy Be Determined During A Pap Smear

A Pap smear is a quick procedure that is used to collect a sample of cells from a woman's cervical area in order to test for abnormalities. Pap smears are not meant to determine existing pregnancies.

Determining pregnancy


A Pap smear is not a pregnancy test. The importance of a Pap smear is to identify abnormal cells in order to detect possible stages of cancer, although a Pap smear does not actually diagnose cancer.


A pelvic exam is generally done after a pap smear. Your doctor may be able to detect a possible pregnancy during the pelvic exam, depending on the size of your uterus.


You can safely have a Pap smear even if you are pregnant. Pap smears are not known to cause a miscarriage during pregnancy. "A Pap smear is a routine part of your pre-natal care and poses no risk to the fetus," according to the American Pregnancy Association. If you suspect that you are pregnant, however, you should mention it to your doctor prior to the exam.


"There are absolutely no known medical risks associated with Pap smear screening," according to Melissa Conrad Stoppler, M.D.


"All the guidelines agree that Pap smears should be started within 3 years of first sexual activity or age 21, whichever comes first," states Stoppler. Never rely on a Pap smear as a way of identifying pregnancy. You should always ask your doctor for a urine test to accurately test for pregnancy.

Tags: detect possible, pelvic exam, your doctor