Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Why Should You Get A Yearly Checkup

Regular checkups can help doctors catch problems before they get serious and treat illnesses in an early stage. Most health care plans cover some preventive services, according to FamilyDoctor.org.


Annual checkups often include screenings for diseases and measurement of your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and weight. Doctors may also give you advice about lifestyle choices such as diet, alcohol use and stress management. You may also receive immunizations at some checkups.


Catching conditions early improves your chance of a cure, since treatment is usually more effective when started early. Getting advice about your diet, weight and other factors can also help you prevent illness. In addition, having a record of your past measurements, such as your blood pressure, can help doctors identify your "normal" levels if you become sick.


Before going in for your checkup, consider whether your close relatives have developed any new diseases so you can update your physician on your family history. Think about whether you've noticed any changes in your body or whether you're considering any major life changes, such as infertility treatment. Write down any questions you have for your doctor, leaving space for you to write down her answers.

Tags: advice about, blood pressure, help doctors, your blood, your blood pressure