Monday, July 9, 2012

Radiology Technician Job Description

Radiology technicians have several types of tasks that they must perform on a daily basis. When going through training in hospital programs or in colleges, future radiology technicians spend about half their time observing or assisting in actual radiology labs with real patients. Along with challenging classroom courses, technicians are prepared for the variety of functions they will need to be able to perform.


Radiology technicians use a variety of specialized equipment to produce medical scans. These scans include x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, sonograms and mammograms. Using radioactive dye along with scans over the period of an hour, they can also track the functioning of the body's organs. The scans produced by the technician must be very clear and at the correct angle for the test being performed.


Most important for anyone working in the health-care field is the ability to compassionately perform patient care. This involves explaining the procedures and comforting nervous patients. The radiology technician will be helping the patient onto the table and into the proper position for scans. A smile and a kind attitude eases the patient's worries about the procedure. To obtain a clear scan, the patient will need to cooperate and lie very still. Good patient relations help the tests go smoothly and produce clearer scans.


The technician needs to be able to interpret the scans they produce. They have a trained eye to make out the shapes of the organs on the scans. They must be able to identify what is normal as well as what is abnormal. Scans can identify broken bones, cancer, tumors, cysts and abnormal size and shape of organs. Nuclear medicine technicians can also determine the abnormal functioning of organs and systems.


Radiology technicians work closely with doctors. A doctor must order a scan before it can be performed. The technician themselves can not diagnose a patient even if they can interpret the scans. Only a licensed doctor may diagnose a patient's illness. The doctor also determines if additional scans are needed to get a more detailed picture of a patient's condition. Finally, it is the doctor who must prescribe the course of treatment for a patient.


The radiology technicians trained in radiation therapy are also involved in medical treatment. The technician positions the patient in a special machine that produces focused and directed radiation. This type of treatment is primarily used for cancer patients. The focused radiation kills the cancerous tissue. The number of treatments a patient receives depends on what the doctor prescribes for the type of cancer the patient has, the cancer's location and how widespread the affected region has become.


Many radiology technicians also manage the medical office. Experienced technicians can become supervisors in the radiology department. They can become teachers or mentors instructing new radiology students. Technicians keep patient records and manage the business aspect of the office.

Tags: diagnose patient, doctor must, interpret scans, organs scans, Radiology technicians, radiology technicians, technicians also