Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Theme Ideas For Trade Show Booths

Trade shows feature products ranging from paper goods to home manufacturing materials.

Regardless of the industry you are in, there are always creative ways to display your products to the world. Take, for instance, the GovSec/U.S. Law Trade Expo, a trade show where vendors from varying industries (i.e. technology, weapons, etc.) display their latest wares for possible use by government agencies. While space and time are often limited when setting up your display area for events that involve booth space, once creative themes are used multiple times, setup will become almost second nature.

Office Supplies/Equipment

If your company specializes in office supplies or equipment, the theme could be a large cubicle. This can be done by displaying products on cubicle-like walls and using an office desk as your main information table (e.g., fake telephone, information packets that resemble reports or training manuals, a filing cabinet full of prizes).

If your equipment requires demonstrations, a few workstations also could be set up with large monitors at each (particularly if the product is computer software), so onlookers can view the functions of the product without feeling the pressure of an individual demo.

Sporting Goods

If you are a supplier of fishing/camping gear, you could decorate your trade booth using a large outdoors scene as the backdrop. This can be done using a projector that has real images from nature displayed behind you as you demonstrate how your products are used. To add to the scenery, you and your sales team can wear attire that is appropriate for the type of equipment you are promoting.

For instance, if ski equipment is your focus, the projector could display a snow-capped mountain, and an artificial snow machine could provide the perfect finishing touch to your setup. You and your staff can come dressed in ski apparel and offer visitors hot cocoa and free demos.

Medical Equipment

Durable medical equipment such as hospital beds, heat lamps, and breathing machines may be used in a home setting or in a hospital setting. Therefore, one idea is to display each product in a dual setting, using a split-screen technique.

For instance, if you are selling hospital beds, you could decorate your trade show booth in a half-home, half-hospital fashion. Starting with a patient in a hospital bed (whether CPR mannequin or live model), the left portion of the patient's bed, and all the decorations throughout that side of the trade show booth, would be a part of the hospital setting. The right side of the bed would be decorated in a home-style setting. Your sales team, dressed in scrubs, could attend to the patient intermittently.

Items divided among both sides would include the patient's chart (at the center of the footboard), a food tray and medicine cups. Also, to add to the details, the patient's blanket can be a solid color on the hospital side and patterned on the other. This can be achieved by sewing two twin blankets (same style with different patterns) together.

Ideas for decorating the home side could include a cater-cornered chaise lounge, an area rug, a pair of fuzzy slippers, a bookcase, food tray, and a modern nightstand with a table lamp and cordless phone and stand on it.

Ideas for the hospital side include a plastic chair and a square wooden nightstand with a cream-colored hospital telephone on it.

Tags: trade show, could decorate, could decorate your, decorate your, decorate your trade, food tray, hospital beds