Friday, December 21, 2012

How Is Breast Cancer Staged

Breast cancer usually begins in cells of ducts in the breast. There are four stages of breast cancer which are important to know if you are diagnosed with this type of cancer.

Stage 0

In Stage 0 of breast cancer, abnormal cells are located. The cells are only in the duct or lobe of the breast and have not spread to other tissues.

Stage I

During Stage I, the abnormal cells have turned into cancer. The tumor is only located in the breast and is under two centimeters in size.

Stage II

In Stage IIA, cancer is smaller than two centimeters and in the lymph nodes or larger than two centimeters and in the breast. In IIB, the tumor is two to five centimeters and in the lymph nodes or over five centimeters but not in the lymph nodes.

Stage IIIA and IIIB

Stage IIIA, the two-to-five centimeter tumor may be only in the breast. In Stage IIIB, the tumor can be any size and has spread to lymph nodes or the chest wall.

Stage IIIC

Stage IIIC which is operable is found in lymph nodes below the collarbone. Stage IIIC that is inoperable has spread to lymph nodes above the collarbone.

Stage IV

In Stage IV of breast cancer, the cancer has spread to distant organs such as the liver, lungs or brain.

Tags: lymph nodes, breast cancer, centimeters lymph, centimeters lymph nodes, Stage IIIC, Stage Stage, abnormal cells