Monday, December 31, 2012

Facts About An Xray Technician

X-ray technicians operate x-ray equipment in hospitals, clinics and labs, which take pictures inside a patient's body to determine diseases, injuries or conditions that help doctors make a possible diagnosis. Technicians prepare patients for x-rays by making sure that the body is positioned in the proper place and other parts of body are shielded from the radiation. After the patient is in the proper location, an x-ray technician will go into another room to operate the machine.


Most x-ray technicians can finish a training program within a year, and learn the basics and principals of what it takes to become an x-ray technician. Training is offered in hospitals, colleges and universities, and applicants are required to have at least a high school diploma or GED. While in training, students learn about medical terminology, pathology, patient care procedures, radiation protection, imaging principles and radiobiology.


It is essential that x-ray technicians know operate and fix the equipment they are using on a daily basis. Technicians are responsible for getting the best image possible of a prescribed region in the body. This may be necessary to determine the health of the patient and the treatments needed.


Physical stamina is required for all x-ray technicians, because they are on their feet most of the day. X-ray technicians wheel patients in and out of the x-ray room, and depending on the severity of their disorder, may have to help lift them on and off the table.


Although x-ray technicians may be able to read and understand an x-ray, they are not allowed to discuss the images with a patient. It doesn't matter if the images are positive or negative; it is not the technician's responsibility to discuss the results with anyone. The patient's doctor is responsible for interpreting the x-rays and determining a course of treatment, if necessary.

The x-ray technician will leave the room while the x-ray is in progress to avoid exposing himself to the damaging radiation. The use of protective clothing and other devices also minimizes this exposure.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the career opportunities for x-ray technicians are going to increase through the year 2014, because of the technological advancements in imaging technology. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also shows that the median annual salary for x-ray technicians is $48,170.

Tags: x-ray technicians, x-ray technician, Bureau Labor, Bureau Labor Statistics, Labor Statistics