Friday, December 7, 2012

Keep Breasts Perky After Pregnancy

We've all heard women complain about how pregnancy ruined their body, including their breasts. Here are some things you can do to keep your breasts in tip top shape throughout your pregnancy and hopefully lessen the effects of gravity that comes from the inflating and deflating that goes on during the process of becoming a mother. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Wearing a supportive bra is the number one thing you can do to keep your breasts from becoming saggy after you give birth. During pregnancy, swollen breasts are normal due to increased blood volume and milk supply. Wearing a supportive bra as often as possible will keep those ligaments from getting stretched out, helping your breasts to stay perkier in the long run and reducing the need for future breast enhancement measures.

2. Build up your pecs! Doing chest exercises during and after pregnancy can help your breasts keep their shape. Push ups are a simple exercise that can engage your chest muscles and keep your natural breasts looking great. You can do them the traditional way, on the floor, or against standing against a wall. Other ways to enhance your breasts through chest exercises are doing bench press (you can use dumbbells), and the incline dumbbell chest fly. You can do these all at home using an exercise ball and dumbbells.

3. Always wear sunscreen on your chest to keep the skin firm and taut looking, preserving the overall appearance of your breasts. Sun damage can lead to wrinkling of the skin, which can make your breasts appear more saggy.

4. Try natural breast enhancement products for prevention as well as to try to rejuvenate already saggy breasts. There are numerous natural breast enhancement pills and herbal breast enhancement products available. Just be smart, make sure the website you purchase your natural breast enhancement products from is legit and consider running the product by your physician before buying or using.

5. When all else fails, and plastic surgery is not an option, use breast enhancement pads. You can find silicon breast enhancer bra inserts, foam pad inserts, or bras with built in inserts with either foam, gel or water to give saggy breasts a quick lift.

Tags: your breasts, breast enhancement, breast enhancement products, enhancement products, keep your, natural breast