Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Vocational Schools Near Bremerton Washington

There are several vocational schools near Bremerton, Washington.

A vocational school is generally regarded as a school or college that offers practical, hands-on training in a vocational or technical field. For example, there are many vocational schools and community colleges that offer vocational training in the form of individual courses, certificates, or transferable degrees. Olympic College, with locations at its main campus in Bremerton or its branch campus in Shelton (about 25 miles from Bremerton), are two potential possibilities for vocational schools. Another option is Everest College, located in downtown Bremerton. It is a school that offers short-term training in many vocational fields.

Olympic College

Olympic College is a community college in Bremerton, Washington, that offers many courses in technical, vocational, and other disciplines. Prospective students considering whether or not to attend Olympic College should follow a few simple first steps. First, it is a good idea to talk with an admissions officer or adviser about what is needed for the application. Once a student has decided whether or not to attend the school, an applicant may fill out the application, which is online. Students may want to conduct some testing to figure out which level of Math or English is right for them. Students may contact the Main Campus in Bremerton for testing dates and times. Applicants should also discuss financial aid with counselors before enrollment, but after application. As part of the application process, each applicant will need to submit transcripts to the school. Instructions for each of these admission steps is located on the Olympic College website at

Olympic College

1600 Chester Avenue

Bremerton, WA 98337-1699


Olympic College-Shelton Branch Campus

Olympic College's branch campus in Shelton, Washington, offers many different courses and programs for all types of students. The branch campus is about 25 miles from Bremerton. The Shelton campus teaches GED preparation and adult basic courses. In addition, the campus welcomes students who are planning to take courses for transfer to various vocational schools, technical schools, or four-year colleges and universities. As a branch campus of Olympic College's main campus, transferring coursework is easy and efficient. The Shelton campus is student-friendly, offering a new library, many comfortable student work spaces, and computers. Other services include financial aid, computer testing, and student employment. The Shelton Campus of Olympic College prides itself on making the learning experience personalized and friendly.

Olympic College - Shelton Branch Campus

937 W. Alpine Way

Shelton, WA


Everest College

Prospective students interested in attaining short-term training in a vocational field can explore such opportunities at Everest College, a vocational school that operates a location in Bremerton. Everest College prides itself on hiring teachers who have practical experience in the workplace who will help students understand the skills and demand of hands-on careers. In addition, teachers and courses at Everest College utilize small groups and teams to help students build skills of collaboration, discussion, and teamwork. The Bremerton campus also offers career placement services, which are intended to help students find employment before or after graduation. The Bremerton campus offers programs in a variety of fields, including Business, Criminal Justice, Dental Assisting, Massage Therapy, Medical Assisting, Medical Insurance Billing and Coding, and Pharmacy Technician Assisting, among other options.

Everest College

155 Washington Avenue, Suite 200

Bremerton, WA 98337


Tags: Olympic College, Everest College, branch campus, Bremerton Washington, help students, that offers, about miles