Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Breast Cancer Treatment Option

Breast cancer forms in the cells of breast tissue. When breast cancer is discovered in its earliest stages, treatment has a very high success rate. Many treatment options are available. Usually, several treatments are combined in order to gain the best result. If you notice any change in your breast's shape or discover a lump in your breast, you should see your physician immediately. If cancer is found, you will be referred to an oncologist, a cancer specialist, for treatment.


Several surgical methods are used to treat breast cancer. A mastectomy is a surgery that removes the entire breast. This option is usually for individuals who have gone through radiation and other forms of therapy that have not been successful. A mastectomy removes all of the cancer, which prevents it from spreading. A lumpectomy is a surgery that removes only the mass of cancer cells and a small amount of surrounding tissue; this surgery does not take the entire breast. A sentinel node biopsy is done to test a lymph node in the breast to see if cancer cells are present. If no cancer is found in the lymph node, then the likelihood of cancer being in other parts of the body is small. If cancer is found in a sample node, then an axillary lymph node dissection is done. Other lymph nodes are removed and tested for cancer that has spread. If cancer is found, then types of treatment are discussed.


Radiation is a common therapy to fight breast cancer and can be given externally and internally. For the external way, a machine is used to target and destroy cancer cells with beams of energy. One drawback of this type of radiation treatment is that it also destroys healthy cells surrounding the cancer cells. Another way radiation treatment can be given is through an implant that is placed internally near the tumor, which localizes the treatment and helps to save healthy cells. A third method of radiation therapy is orally administered drugs. These radioactive drugs usually are used to treat thyroid and bone cancers. Radiation is given five days a week for about six weeks at a time.


Chemotherapy is a form of treatment that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. Chemo, as it is sometimes called, also is used to help prevent cancer from spreading. Often it is used in combination with other forms of treatment and typically not used by itself. This treatment is common after surgery and can be given intravenously or by needle injection. It is administered in cycles. The length and number of cycles depends on what your doctor prescribes.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapies are used in conjunction with breast cancer because that type of cancer is sensitive to the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Blocking the production of these hormones can help to shrink the cancer. This treatment usually is used after surgery.


Several drugs are used to help destroy cancer cells. Herceptin, Avastin and Tykerb are the most common of these drugs. These medications are expensive and usually not covered by insurance. That makes this form of treatment not as popular as the other treatment options that are available.

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials involve the newest treatments available. If you have exhausted all other treatments, your oncologist may suggest treatment through a clinical trial. Such treatments have not been proven to work but may work for you.

Tags: cancer cells, cancer found, breast cancer, destroy cancer, destroy cancer cells