Friday, May 24, 2013

Negative Effects Of Soy Milk

Negative Effects of Soy Milk

Soy products are often marketed as the healthy alternative to milk and meat products. In Asia, soy encompasses much of the typical person's daily diet. In America, soy products are often used to replace dairy, such as soy milk and soy infant formula. However, the use of soy for these products may not be as healthy as it seems at first glance. Soy beans contain many ingredients and substances that can cause negative effects on the health of the consumer.


Soy contains certain enzyme inhibitors when it is used in an unfermented state that can actually block the absorption of nutrients. Most notably, the enzyme trypsin is blocked by the soy antinutrients. Soy beans also hold the ingredient hemagglutinin, which was shown to increase blood clotting in animals in a study by Joseph Rackis published in Qualification of Plant Foods in Human Nutrition in 1985. These studies have led scientists and doctors to believe that consumption of large amounts of soy products are not beneficial to the body.


Phytates are another substance present in soy beans. This acid, which blocks the absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium, is found in most beans and seeds. This can lead to many health problems as well as a weakened immune system in individuals who consume large amounts of soy products. The only way to eliminate the phytates from soy is to use a long fermentation process. The adverse effects of phytates are also reduced when soy is eaten in conjunction with milk.

Lack of Fat Soluble Vitamins

Unlike milk products, soy beans do not contain the vitamins A or D, which are essential for the absorption of minerals and other vitamins. In the United States, soy products are often sold as milk substitutes for adults and babies, which means that these individuals can suffer from a deficiency in these necessary vitamins. The main food sources of vitamins A and D are certain animal meats and milk. Diets rich in soy products may possibly cause an absorbency reduction for vitamins D and A.


Goitrogens are substances that can actually reduce the functioning of the thyroid. This means that diets rich in soy products can actually cause weight gain and other thyroid issues. The fermentation process reduces the effects of this problem, but the only way to completely eliminate any risk of these problems is to greatly reduce or omit soy products from the diet.

Tags: products often, absorption minerals, amounts products, beans contain, Effects Milk, fermentation process