Friday, May 3, 2013

What Are The Causes Of Male Breast Development

According to the Mayo Clinic, the medical name for enlarged male breasts is gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the swelling of breast tissue in men or boys caused by a hormonal imbalance. Typically gynecomastia doesn't pose serious risks to physical health. However, the condition can be embarrassing for men and poses risks to their mental and emotional health.


Obesity is one cause of enlarged male breast. Sometimes male breasts are enlarged as a result of a man simply being overweight. If obesity is the cause, exercise and diet may help to eliminate the gynecomastia.

Genetic Disorders

Genetic disorders may also cause gynecomastia. One of the most common disorders causing enlarged male breast is Klinefelter syndrome.


To determine the cause of enlarged male breasts, a physician should be consulted. Blood tests, mammograms and chest x-rays can help determine the possible causes for the condition.

Treatment Options

One way that men can treat enlarged male breasts is through medication that balances hormone levels. Two common drugs used by men with enlarged male breast are tamoxifen and raloxifene. Both of these drugs reduce estrogen hormone levels. Another option is surgery, which should always be a last resort.


A men's compression tank may be worn to make male breasts appear smaller. A compression tank is worn under the clothes and acts as a girdle for the chest. A correct-fitting tank will give the individual the appearance of having a flatter chest.

Tags: enlarged male, male breasts, enlarged male breast, enlarged male breasts, male breast