Monday, May 6, 2013

Reasons For Pain In The Breast

Breast pain is not uncommon. Many women experience pain in their breasts -also referred to as mastalgia--either intermittently or constantly. There are many reasons for breast pain. The majority of the time it is not a cause for alarm. Breast cancer is not usually a cause for pain, though the chance of malignancy should always be checked out by a doctor.


There are many types of lumps in the breast that can be painful. Cancerous breast tumors are rarely painful. Inflammatory breast cancer is a painful condition of the breasts, but it is characterized by an extremely painful, swollen, red and even warm breast. Cysts, fibroadenomas and fibrocystic changes are more common and harmless, though a doctor must determine if that is indeed what they are. If they become extremely large or painful they can be removed.

Growing Pains

Breast pain through puberty is not uncommon as the breasts begin to grow. Even adolescent boys have been known to have pain in their breast tissue. Tenderness and swelling in the breast are considered a normal part of developing for both sexes. If there is excess pain or unusual swelling, it should be mentioned to the pediatrician.


Respiratory illnesses like bronchitis and pneumonia can cause breast pain. The pain is often actually spreading from the chest pain. Excess coughing can also bring on pain in the muscles surrounding the breasts. Breast infections, which are usually accompanied by redness and swelling, are possible. A physician needs to diagnose a breast infection and prescribe antibiotics.


Throughout the month, hormonal levels in women change. The changes in levels of estrogen can cause pain in the breasts. This pain can be accompanied by swelling. Some women will feel painful lumps in one or both breasts just before menstruation. This is normal and these types of cysts will become smaller and often disappear. The changes in hormones of pregnant women can also cause them to have breast pain, especially in the first trimester.

Other Causes

There are other less common causes for pain in the breasts. Damage to the liver (which is just below the breast) can cause pain to radiate to that area. An injury to the breast or chest area can cause tenderness. Also, digitalis, diuretics, Aldomet, Aldactone and chlorpromazine are medications that can bring about breast tenderness.

Tags: breast pain, cause pain, Breast pain, pain breasts, pain their, There many