Thursday, May 16, 2013

Explain Breast Development To Your Teen

Explain Breast Development to Your Teen

As your teen goes through puberty, her body and breasts will change in many ways. It's important to talk about the breast changes with your daughter and explain what's happening to her breasts as they develop.


1. Breasts begin to develop when fat cells migrate to their new home behind the nipples. Although it's more common for nipples to turn out, on some women or both turn in. these are called inverted nipples and they're a natural variation. If your daughter's nipples are inverted, assure her that she's fine. This doesn't mean that anything is wrong, or that she won't be able to nurse babies someday if she chooses.

2. Explain to your daughter that during puberty, breasts become capable of feeding a baby. As a teen's breasts start to develop and swell, the area surrounding the nipple darkens. This area, called the areola, contains glands that can secrete a substance to help a nursing infant suck on a breast. When a woman nurses an infant, her nipples, which have lots of tiny holes in them, work something like a showerhead, letting the milk empty from her mammary glands.

3. Nipples are made of erectile tissue, which means they can get hard. This can be confusing and embarrassing for your teen. Explain that many things can cause nipples to become firm, and that sexual arousal is only one of them. Cold weather or the friction of an irritating fabric can do it too. Assure her that it's perfectly normal and natural - every woman's body does it, and so do men's.

4. As your daughter's breasts continue to develop, she may find that one of them is growing faster than the other. Reassure her that the two sides of the human body are not perfectly symmetrical.

Tags: your daughter, Breast Development, Breast Development Your, Development Your, Development Your Teen, Explain Breast, Explain Breast Development