Friday, September 20, 2013

Reduce The Swelling After Breast Reduction Surgery

For some women, breast reduction surgery is a medical necessity. Prior to surgery they may experience back pain and other discomforting symptoms. Unfortunately, breast reduction surgery is serious, and patients often deal with a variety of post-surgical trauma, such as swelling. Swelling can cause pain. What is more, it usually begins in the chest and affects the abdomen. However, there are ways to reduce swelling after breast reduction surgery and ease discomfort.


1. Apply a cold pack to the area. Wrap a cold pack or a bag of frozen vegetables in a cloth, and place the cloth on your chest. Cold therapy is effective for acute injuries. Apply the cold pack for 10 minutes, and then remove the pack for 10 minutes.

2. Sleep in an upright position. For the first two or three days after surgery, attempt to sleep in a chair, perhaps a recliner. Remaining in a upright position reduces fluid in the breast area, which can ease swelling.

3. Wear a surgical bra. Your doctor will provide a surgical bra after your procedure. Wear the bra to reduce pain and swelling. A surgical bra can also help speed your recovery.

4. Take an herbal diuretic. A diuretic flushes excess fluids from the body and alleviates swelling. However, a prescription diuretic can interfere with pain medication. Consider a natural or herbal diuretic, such as water, cranberry juice and green tea.

5. Limit your salt intake. Eliminate salt from your diet. Salt contributes to water retention, which can increase swelling and pain. Drink water to flush excess salt from the body.

Tags: cold pack, Apply cold, Apply cold pack, breast reduction, breast reduction surgery, from body