Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Symptoms Of Breast Cancer In Lymph Nodes

When breast cancer has moved into the lymph nodes a lump may be felt in the underarm area. This is the only symptom that breast cancer has invaded this part of the body. Lymph nodes are part of the immune and circulatory system, contain a high concentration of white blood cells, and are dispersed throughout the body including the groin and the armpit area. This is why it is recommended that females over age 20 perform monthly breast self-examinations, since the exam involves detecting any hardness or lumps under the arm.

Breast Cancer

This illness affects over 200,000 American woman and nearly 2,000 men each year. Besides skin cancer, it is the most common form of cancer affecting women in the United States. This disease often develops in the breast ducts and can spread via lymph vessels into nearby lymph nodes.


Initial symptoms of breast cancer are changes in breast appearance such as a thickening or lump in the underarm area or near the breast. There may also be a tenderness in the nipple, a discharge coming from the nipple, and the skin on the breast or near the nipple may also appear red, swollen, pitted or scaly.


The cancer stage a patient is in is often determined after surgery has been performed. When cancer has invaded the lymph nodes, it is said to be in Stage IIA, which can mean that it has spread from the breast ducts into the lymph nodes.


When lymph nodes have become involved the cancer is termed positive. If it has not entered these organs the breast cancer is termed negative.

Aggressive Cancer

The more lymph nodes that contain cancer cells, the more aggressive the cancer, generally-speaking. Treatment, like chemotherapy, is then tailored accordingly to kill as many of the cancer cells as possible.

Tags: breast cancer, lymph nodes, lymph nodes, area This, Breast Cancer