Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Breast Augmentation Questions To Ask

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures performed. The main reasons women seek breast augmentation are to increase size because they feel their breasts are too small; and to lift a sagging bust line.

All surgery is serious, including cosmetic surgery. Complications are possible.

Know what questions to ask before talking to a doctor about breast augmentation.

What are Implants Made of?

You can get breast implants of silicone gel or sterile salt-saline solution. Silicone gel looks and feels more natural than saline.

Are Silicone Gel Breast Implants Safe?

Yes, according to the FDA and several medical researchers throughout the world.

You may have heard that during the 1990s, silicone gel was blamed for a host of health problems. Many women complained of leaking or ruptured implants resulting in gel leaking into their bodies. The list of health complaints includes autoimmune disease, headaches/body aches and chronic fatigue.

Although silicone implants have been back on the market for over 15 years, it remains a controversial topic among health professionals. Many still think that silicone leaked into the body contributes to rheumatologic and other health disorders. Other health experts say there are also patients who experienced bleeding implants who did not experience health problems.

Silicone gel implants had been banned, but after years of research, the FDA concluded there was no link between the reported illnesses and silicone implants.

What Does a Consultation Involve?

Consultations are normally done in two parts on different days. You will work with your doctor to determine the best size for your body frame. You will also discuss what to expect before, during and after the procedure. You will watch a breast augmentation video and possibly review before and after pictures. Finally, you will take home documents to read. They can help you decide what questions you still might have.

How Long do Breast Implants Last?

If you think they will last forever, think again. All implants wear out due to the natural movements of your body caused by breathing. Implants should be checked using an MRI to check for leaking sometime during the 10-year mark.

The cost for breast augmentation depends on the surgeon and location. Costs for the procedure start at around $3,000.

What is the Recovery Process?

Recovery can take several months, depending on the individual. if you smoke, recovery time can take longer. Most patients go home the same day to recover with pain medicine and a special device to aid drainage. if you have stitches, they will come out around 10 days later.

Your breasts will be very sore, and you will notice swelling for up to five weeks. A few days following surgery, patients are required to wear a surgical bra to promote healing.

Tags: breast augmentation, cosmetic surgery, health problems, silicone implants, they will