Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sterilize Breast Pump Parts

Sterilizing a breast pump daily is important to help prevent both mother and baby from becoming ill. Sterilization is a simple, affordable process that kills the bacteria that can grow in the breast pump. During sterilization, bacteria are eliminated at a temperature around 200 degrees F. Because water boils at 212 degrees F, boiling breast pump parts is a quick way to sterilize them.


1. On a stove top, bring the water to a rolling boil in the pot.

2. Disassemble the pump.

3. Wash each non-electrical piece of the pump with warm water and liquid dish-washing (preferably antibacterial) soap.

4. Rinse each piece with hot water for 10 to 15 seconds.

5. Using clean kitchen tongs, gently place each part into the pot of boiling water.

6. Leave the parts in the boiling water for at least five minutes and up to 10 minutes.

7. Carefully remove each part with clean tongs.

8. Allow the parts to air dry. Do not towel dry--this can spread bacteria from the towel to the pump.

9. Once dry, put the pump back together, avoiding the areas that will come in direct contact with the breast or milk.

Tags: breast pump, boiling water, each part