Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Don'T Muslims Drink Alcohol

It is common knowledge that in the Islamic religion, it is absolutely forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages. Many people are aware of this, but they don't aren't sure exactly why it is against the rules for Muslims to drink alcohol. The reasons are deeply rooted in Arabic and Islamic history.


The main reason why alcohol is forbidden in Islam is because of its ability to impair judgment and to cloud the mind. Muslims believe that alcohol is able to negatively affect their relationship with God. They believe that alcohol consumption could also lead to many negative issues, such as health and social problems.

Expert Insight

The Koran (also spelled Qur'an), which is the main religious text in the Islamic religion, states explicitly in this passage that alcohol is forbidden: "They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say 'In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit.'" (Qur'an 2:219)


The word "alcohol" is derived from the Arabic word "al kohl," which means fermented sugars, fruits and grains that are composed to make alcohol. Before the Islamic religion existed, many Arabs used alcohol as a way to cope with the stresses and problems of their lives. In fact, alcohol was so popular that it was sold in shops 24 hours a day. Some of the problems Arabs used alcohol to cope with included excessive pride, tribal warfare, prostitution and broken homes. Alcoholic consumption led to the problems of impaired minds as well as failure to pray and show up to mosque. This in turn led the Koran to forbid alcohol.


Even in the strictest of Islamic nations, alcohol is often consumed behind closed doors. Many Muslims go to great lengths to hide the fact that they drink from society, family and friends. This is because there are some extremely negative social consequences to drinking, including arrest and being shunned.


Many Muslims who reside in Europe and the United States have an easier time hiding the fact that they drink, simply because alcohol is more readily available here. It is possible to be a Muslim and drink in the anonymity of a big city bar in an American or European city. That is simply not a reality in a staunchly religious nation such as Saudi Arabia or Jordan.

Tags: Islamic religion, that alcohol, alcohol cope, alcohol cope with, alcohol forbidden, Arabs used