Saturday, March 8, 2014

Apply For A Congressional Nomination To A Service Academy

Apply for a Congressional Nomination to a Service Academy

Military service or a Congressional nomination is required for an appointment to the United States Naval Academy, Military Academy, Air Force Academy or Merchant Marine Academy. Competition for appointments to these fully funded schools is stiff, and interested applicants should begin the process early. The Congressional nomination is one of the least understood aspects of the process. Here's apply for a Congressional nomination to one of the above Service Academies.


1. Start the application process in the spring of your junior year of high school.

2. Check with your Congressperson for the application process and requirements, which you can usually find on his or her Web site. Nominations are based on merit, not political connections.

3. Take the SAT or ACT college-entrance exams. The Congressional office will want to know your test scores.

4. Provide the Congressperson's office with all requested information prior to the deadline.

5. Rank the Academies in the order of which you would most like to attend. You may apply for and receive a nomination to more than one Academy, but usually the Congressperson will ask for your preference.

6. Interview with your Congressperson or one of his or her representatives. Do not wear shorts or jeans. Discuss your desire to attend the Academy, your goals and qualifications.

Tips Warnings

Take four years of English, advanced science and math classes, get good grades, do your best on the SATs and ACTs, participate in sports and assume leadership roles in extracurricular activities throughout high school.

Prepare for your interview by reading about the Service Academy ahead of time. Know why you want to attend and why you think you can make it.

Follow directions and do not miss deadlines.

Tags: apply, congressional, nomination, service, academy, Service Academy, Academy Military, application process, Apply Congressional, Apply Congressional Nomination Service, Apply Congressional Nomination Service Academy, Congressional nomination, Congressional Nomination, Congressional Nomination Service