Saturday, March 8, 2014

Black Light Activities

If you have a party to plan but haven't yet figured out a theme to center your preparations around, think about planning a glow-in-the-dark party. Your guests can come dressed up in all their glow-in-the-dark accessories with glow-in-the-dark decorations placed in the party area. To keep your guests entertained plan some activities to make use of your black light.

Glow Bugs

Before you play this black light game, start by hiding several glow-in-the-dark items such as glow sticks around the party area. The best places to hide them include behind curtains, under blankets and so on. Gather everyone into the room with the hidden glowing objects. When ready, turn off the regular lights and turn on only the black light. Start a timer and instruct the players to find as many glow bugs as they can before two seconds passes. Once the time elapses, have all the players stop searching. The player with the most glow bugs wins the game and gets a prize

Glow Potato

Just like the game, Hot Potato, Glow Potato starts with everyone standing in a circle. Turn on the black light and hand one player in line a glow-in-the-dark ball, or a ball painted with glow-in-the-dark paint. Start some music and have the player toss the ball to any person in the circle. As soon as that player receives the ball, he tosses it away, as if it's a radioactive potato. At a random moment, turn the music off. The person left with the potato in his hands at that exact moment gets eliminated from the game and leaves the circle. Play the game for several rounds until only one player--the winner--remains in the circle.

Glow-in-the-Dark Toss

Throughout the party, the players can try their hands at this black light activity. Designate an area for the activity and tape a glow stick to the floor so it stands vertically and perpendicular to the floor. Using glow-in-the-dark tape, create lines on the floor starting one foot away from the glow stick. Create gaps between the lines in one-foot increments, as well. The participants start at the first line closest to the glow stick. They throw glow-in-the-dark necklaces toward the glow-stick on the floor in an attempt to ring it, just like in the game of horseshoes. With each successful attempt, they move back a foot and throw their necklaces again. The guests that ring the glow-stick at every one-foot increment get prizes.

Tags: black, light, activities, black light, glow stick, black light, Glow Potato, like game, party area, this black, this black light